
Nose Bridge – What Causes Crooked Noses?

What is the Definition of a Crooked Nose Bridge?

A nasal cranial disjunction is a congenital disability, which can lead to an asymmetrical nose.

The nasolabial fold is the little wrinkle that appears on either side of the nose. The nasal labial fold comprises the skin and fatty tissue, whereas the nasolabial fold is made up of muscle and fat.

A nasal cranial disjunction (NCD) occurs when there’s a genetic deviation between the eyes and nose. Most commonly, this happens in people who have long faces or narrow noses with prominent bones in their faces.

What Causes A Crooked Nose Bridge?

The nose is the only part of the face that is made up of cartilage. It is also one of the most fragile parts of our body. For this reason, it’s susceptible to many different diseases, infections, and physical trauma.

A crooked nose bridge can be caused by a variety of factors. Some common causes include: snoring, nasal ostium deformity and nasolabial fold surgery.

It’s recommended that you see Doctor Arian Mowlavi if you suspect you have a crooked nose bridge because it could lead to further complications such as sleep apnea or sinusitis. The procedure known as rhinoplasty addresses this concer.

How Does Health Insurance Cover Nasal Cranial Dysjunction Surgery?

Nasolabial surgery is a procedure that improves the appearance of the nose. It also reduces the risk of accidents, such as a fall onto a crooked nose.

Health insurance providers cover this procedure. They also cover rhinoplasty and septoplasty, which are surgeries that improve the appearance and function of your nose respectively.


The cost for this surgery is around $5,000 to $8,000, with an additional cost for anesthesia and pre-op evaluation. The total cost is dependent on the surgeon’s fee as well as what you need to have done during your operation.